Residential Tree Solutions

We at Gold Leaf Tree Services, LLC are more than proud to extend a helping hand to residents of Saint Paul, MN and Twin Cities Metro Area. We provide professional solutions based on the concerns that are reported to us, and we make sure to address these issues as early as possible.

If you want to clear your property of trees in the safest way possible, get in touch with our team today. We will swing by during the agreed time to take care of the concern professionally. Whether you need one or many removed, we’ll be more than happy to accommodate you!

Professional pruning can allow you to keep your tree without its branches causing damage to nearby structures, such as walls or powerlines. Trimming can also help your tree withstand strong winds better, which will help avoid the risk of it falling down and posing as a danger to you and your family.

Stumps can be beautiful and natural surfaces for your garden, but if they are only obstructing the way, then it may be time to have them removed. Our team will ensure that you can achieve a more pleasing yard by professionally uprooting the stump without causing excess damage to surrounding areas.

Trees can break and fall down during storms or if they’ve become too old and brittle. If they’ve collapsed unexpectedly on your property and they are posing as a danger to your family, get in touch with us as soon as possible. We will send our crew over to take care of the concern so you can feel safe in no time.